Frameless glass

The difference between face cap and frameless view

In the curtain wall, two faces are the first word in the design of the curtain wall system. This facade has two separate systems called frameless and face cap, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Also, these two facades have general advantages and disadvantages, which are the same as the general advantages and disadvantages of the curtain wall system.
One of the disadvantages of these two types of systems is the need for regular maintenance in this structure.

Frameless glass

Although the maintenance cost of the curtain wall system is more economical.

However, these disadvantages should be considered before installation.

Also, among the disadvantages of the curtain wall system, we can mention the high cost of installation and the high cost of producing and installing glass.

Modern Style Glass Railing Design for Balcony

Despite many positive points, this system has potential disadvantages.

For the curtain wall system to be able to have good thermal insulation, moisture insulation, and sound insulation, it is necessary to check and repair the structure if needed.
Like all other structures, this structure will have a maintenance fee. Because you will have these costs in other structures as well.

These two facades are very light weight. In this system, the possibility of calculating the wind pressure in windy areas can be considered and the system related to the location can be considered for it.
Also, in this system, you can reduce noise pollution in areas where traffic and congestion cause problems in the building. Besides, the natural supply system can also keep your space fresh.

Frameless curtain wall system

In the curtain walls system, you can use the frameless face cap system in your structure. Elite use of this structure is very tasteful. And it is used for tall buildings.
With this frameless curtain walls system, you can give two installation system models (Stick and Unitize) execution orders so that the execution department can prepare the installation conditions according to your request.
Of course, please note that full frameless or frameless curtain wall is more common than the stick method (on-site installation).
Choosing a curtain wall system
Considering the advantages and disadvantages mentioned in the installation of the curtain walls system, you should keep it in mind when evaluating your decision to install the curtain wall structure and then register your order.
Of course, pay attention to all the disadvantages that have been mentioned for the curtain wall, many builders eagerly use this facade for their buildings.

Aluminum profile

our company

valid aluminum (production of aluminum products)
* different Types of thermal, normal, and curtain wall profiles, types of louvres
Aluminum production company / Tehran office
*Has a professional team in the field of implementation
* Production of special casts
* Supply of products inside and outside the country
*Has active offices in Tehran and Karaj
* Manufactured product made of billet 6063
* Manufactured goods made from alloy billet at a reasonable price
*professional consulting team in the field of implementation

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