When installing electric aluminum louvers, keep in mind that the installation conditions will be slightly different from the installation of fixed louvers. For your installation, you must first plan to choose the installation location by checking all the issues and obstacles first, then proceed with the installation.


Choose the installation location of electric aluminum louvers

Make sure there are no obstructions to the movement of the louvers. Because these louvers are slow to move and rotate, and because of the motor needed to rotate the louvers, be sure to first check the installation location and consult with an expert for a better place for installation or not.

Measuring and installing four-blades:

First, measure the four blades (louver motors) at the installation site. Then install the slats carefully, making sure they are positioned correctly. One of the most important issues in installing electric louvers is determining the type of louvre and the type of motor used to rotate the louvers.

Installation of electric aluminum louvers in customized structures

Installation of aluminum parts:

The aluminum parts of the louvers should be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions, usually they will be installed using the related connections and screws, after producing the louvers and sending these sections to the project for installation, consider the necessary measures.

Installing the controller and electrical system:

Install the louvers controller and electrical system carefully. This controller is responsible for their rotation and movement. It is very sensitive and you should install the resistant sensor with high precision. Make sure the cables are properly and securely connected.

The accuracy of electric aluminum louvre operation

Performance test:

Before final use, test the louvers to ensure they function correctly. Ensure that all functions including opening and closing are performed correctly.

Final settings:

Check the final settings and if you need additional settings, make them.

Also, to ensure correct and safe installation, it is better to get the help of a skilled technician or company specializing in this field.

What is the performance test in electric aluminum louvers?

To test the performance of electric aluminum louvers, you can do the following steps:

Open and close test:

Make sure the louvers open and close properly. This test shows that the engines and mechanical system are working properly.

Adjusting the angle of the louvers:

If you have adjustable louvers, change their angle and make sure the changes are applied correctly.

Test with control system:

Check from the control system that all the various functions, including the timer settings and the remote control, are working properly.

Safety test:

Make sure the system has safety features. For example, in case of an obstacle or technical problem, the louvers will stop automatically.

Testing in different weather conditions:

If the louvers are designed to be used in different weather conditions, test their performance in different conditions such as rain, wind and heat.

Noise and vibration check:

Check for abnormal noise or vibration during operation. Any noise or vibration caused by a technical fault or improper installation may indicate problems.

Test with emergency power supply:

If there is a battery or emergency power supply, test that the louvers respond correctly in the event of a power failure from the emergency source.

By performing these tests, you can ensure the correctness and correct operation of electric aluminum louvers.

our company

valid aluminum (production of aluminum products)
* different Types of thermal, normal, and curtain wall profiles, types of louvers.
Aluminum production company / Tehran office
*Has a professional team in the field of implementation
* Production of special casts
* Supply of products inside and outside the country
*Has active offices in Tehran and Karaj
* Manufactured product made of billet 6063
* Manufactured goods made from alloy billet at a reasonable price
*professional consulting team in the field of implementation



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