electric louvers: Ensuring the correct and complete installation of the louvers according to the drawings and technical specifications, the final check and the implementation of additional adjustments if necessary and keep in mind, while performing these steps, the importance of precision and the use of resistant materials in accordance with the standards Don’t forget that louvers act as an essential part of lighting and ventilation systems.

Accurate installation of electric louvers

Now that you need electric louvers for your structure, you must keep these few steps in mind.

Locating the installation of electric louvers

  Choose the installation location of the electric louvers, for example, where you want a lot of light or which direction the wind is coming from, then you can do the best installation according to the needs of your building.

Installing connections in electric louvers

The louvers are connected to the metal structure with bolts and nuts. If they have special connectors, you use them during installation.

  Precise light adjustment angle and how to install electric louvers.

  The advantage of electric louvers over normal (fixed) louvers is to adjust the power of changing the angle of the louvers so that good light comes in and the heat is not too high.

  The amount of resistance in electric louvers

  Make sure that the louvers have enough resistance, especially against air and rain, they must plan the installation in such a way that the entry of rain into the structure is reduced to the minimum possible or even considered zero when the louvers are closed.

End installation in electric louver

  When you need louvers for a metal structure, perform the several steps mentioned above, and then you must ensure that the installation of these sections is done correctly and complete, and perform the initial check steps carefully so that if there is an error in the installation Electric louvers should be specified at the beginning of the work and necessary measures should be taken to fix it.

When opening and closing the louvers , you should keep in mind the distances between these louvers and carefully examine the amount of light entering or the rotation of these louvers.

In fact, you need to make sure that the installation steps are correct and everything is tight. In general, try to arrange the louvers properly so that good light comes in and have a solid structure.

In order to implement and install electric or electric louvers, you can contact the implementation department to provide you with the necessary information about the method and price of louvre implementation and detailed checks of the structure in terms of infrastructure.

our company

valid aluminum (production of aluminum products)
* different Types of thermal, normal, and curtain wall profiles, types of louvers.
Aluminum production company / Tehran office
*Has a professional team in the field of implementation
* Production of special casts
* Supply of products inside and outside the country
*Has active offices in Tehran and Karaj
* Manufactured product made of billet 6063
* Manufactured goods made from alloy billet at a reasonable price
*professional consulting team in the field of implementation



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