choosing the material in the beginning might be the most important factor in the facade of the building.

There are many louvers with different materials out there. These louvers can be from wood, aluminum or plastic.

Choosing between wood, aluminum and UPVC depends on several factors.

   Different factors of louvres in the facade of the building

Looking and design:

 wood louvers gives your building a natural look, while aluminum has more modern look. So deciding between these is related to your taste in design.


 Aluminum is usually more resistant to weather conditions, bugs and being hurt overall. If your building is in an unstable weather condition, aluminum is more suitable for you.


Wooden louvres require more maintenance and may require repair and renovation over time. While aluminum has less need for maintenance.

Brightness control:

Each of these items have different light control capabilities. Some aluminum louvres have the best light control capabilities.

you can choose between wooden louvres and aluminum or UPVC louvres According to your needs. When in doubt, it is helpful to contact construction professionals.

Tips and advantages and disadvantages of louvres on the facade of the building

When choosing between wooden louvres and aluminum or UPVC louvres, pay attention to the following points:

Cost comparison in different types of building facade louvres

Wood and upvc louvres may cost less initially, but maintenance and repairs may cost more.

But aluminum louvres are usually more economical in terms of maintenance costs.

The most important thing in choosing the material of the facade louvres

Perhaps one of the most important factors in choosing the material for the facade of the building is the issue of the environment. Wooden louvres use natural resources and may have less impact on the environment. But the aluminum louvre can be recycled and in some cases helps to preserve the environment.

According to these points, due to high resistance, minimum need for maintenance and repairs, and better facilities in light control, more people tend towards aluminum louvres. But if absorbing the beauty of nature and the warmth of wood is important to you, wooden louvres are also a suitable option.

For advice, you can contact the sales unit or the implementation unit and get more information about the quality and how to order the profile of the facade of the building.

our company

valid aluminum (production of aluminum products)
* different Types of thermal, normal, and curtain wall profiles, types of louvres
Aluminum production company / Tehran office
*Has a professional team in the field of implementation
* Production of special casts
* Supply of products inside and outside the country
*Has active offices in Tehran and Karaj
* Manufactured product made of billet 6063
* Manufactured goods made from alloy billet at a reasonable price
*professional consulting team in the field of implementation

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