Arak aluminum profile is made of what materials?

Two types of billets are in use to prepare production sections in the factory, and depending on which type of billet is in use, you can prepare aluminum profiles with different grades.
Raw and high-quality materials are in use to prepare Arak aluminum in factories, this billet is billet 6063 in the market,

and all those who have some experience in this field know this billet and know about its quality and analysis. We use advanced devices and equipment to produce these widely used aluminum profiles.

Advantages of aluminum profiles

Another advantage that can we can say about aluminum is that you can use this metal to produce a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. And this diversity has increase the popularity of these courses.

What are aluminum profiles?

Aluminum sections are widely in use in various fields of construction and decoration. This is mainly due to its versatility and molding ability. And even some sections that you cannot prepare with a mold, or it is not cheap, you can easily prepare it by bending and preparing that section from sheet with different thicknesses.
Of course, please note that the cost of bending will be added to your costs,

but it will be cheaper than the cost of making a mold for your section.
Therefore, we can safely say that you can prepare and use all sections using aluminum.

Aluminum Profiles

What is the function of aluminum profiles?

You can easily use these sections made of aluminum against all kinds of adverse conditions, such as weather conditions that usually destroy other metals, and the high resistance of this section is very resistant in harsh conditions.
This metal can have high resistance even in machines with very high temperature,

and this metal is in use in heat exchangers.

If we examine these functions of aluminum profile, we will see that the use of aluminum is very wide,

even you will see that many sections of this metal have been used in everyday life.
And today, we see that even when other metals were used for kitchen utensils,

today aluminum has include in the manufacture of these utensils,

and you will rarely find old food utensils made of zinc metal, etc.

our company

valid aluminum (production of aluminum products)
* different Types of thermal, normal, and curtain wall profiles, types of louvres
Aluminum production company / Tehran office
*Has a professional team in the field of implementation
* Production of special casts
* Supply of products inside and outside the country
*Has active offices in Tehran and Karaj
* Manufactured product made of billet 6063
* Manufactured goods made from alloy billet at a reasonable price
*professional consulting team in the field of implementation

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